WORK TIME: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED

Preparing your financial statements using GIFI

The GIFI codes identify items that are usually found on a corporation’s financial statement (balance sheets, income statements, and statements of retained earnings). Each item is assigned its own unique code. This allows us to collect financial statement information in a standardized format. For example, the item “Cash” is assigned code 1001 and “Office expenses” is assigned code

Get free tax help for your small business

In-person support to help you save time and money The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) offers free one-on-one visits or group seminars for small businesses and self-employed individuals across Canada through its Liaison Officer service. During a visit or seminar, the liaison officer will: help you better understand your tax obligations and possible tax deductions show

Trust income tax

Services and information Trust Income Tax Return Determine whether a trust should file a Trust Income Tax Return (T3), and where and when to a file a T3. Trust Information returns – slips and summaries Determine when a trust has to complete and distribute T3 slips, filing methods for T3 slips, and due dates. Trust

Edmonton and Sherwood Park Trust income tax

Services and information Trust Income Tax Return Determine whether a trust should file a Trust Income Tax Return (T3), and where and when to a file a T3. Trust Information returns – slips and summaries Determine when a trust has to complete and distribute T3 slips, filing methods for T3 slips, and due dates. Trust

Corporation income tax

Services and information Corporation income tax overview Summary of corporation tax rates, provincial and territorial corporation tax, and tax credits. Corporation tax rates Get federal, provincial, or territorial rates, and learn when to apply the lower or higher rate. Provincial and territorial corporation tax What’s new for corporations, reporting tax and claiming credits, and related

Sherwood Park and Edmonton Alberta Corporation income tax

Services and information Corporation income tax overview Summary of corporation tax rates, provincial and territorial corporation tax, and tax credits. Corporation tax rates Get federal, provincial, or territorial rates, and learn when to apply the lower or higher rate. Provincial and territorial corporation tax What’s new for corporations, reporting tax and claiming credits, and related

Personal income tax

Services and information Doing your taxes This page sets out everything you need to know to do your taxes. Your tax obligations Determine your tax obligations and whether you need to file a tax return. Tax slips Review the slips you may receive from your employer, payer, or administrator. Personal income Determine what has to

BOMCAS LTD Accounting and Tax Services

Personal Tax At BOMCAS Sherwood Park, Edmonton Accounting and Tax Services, our tax experts are dedicated to remaining current with the constantly changing Canadian tax laws. We take the time to understand the unique situation of each of our clients and ensure they are following the latest tax laws, while paying the least amount of